Is the Whisper Manifestation Technique really Magic?

Often we see that we are unable to express what is in our heart to another person. It could be the love growing in your heart or something that you are uncomfortable speaking to the other person – maybe you want to tell them something true, but you are afraid of how that person will react to this. Or you want the other person to come to you and tell you what you want to tell him. As some people may have a deep desire that someone should come and propose me or my boss himself should give me a good hike in appraisal. Do you also want something similar in your life? Do you also repeat these lines in your mind that, “Lafzon mein kah na saku, bin kahne bhi reh na saku”. We must have felt at some time that there is a restlessness going on inside us and now we just want that either we tell the other person or the other person himself should say that thing to us.

Do you remember your childhood? How we used to whisper something in the ears of our special friend among friends and the rest of the people used to think that who knows what we whispered in that friend’s ears. This simple act of whispering in the ear looked so secretive and we used to leave the whole game and try to know what was whispered in that friend’s ears. Here I want to tell you that today we are going to share a similar technique with you, with which you will be able to manifest any such wish in a jiffy. Often we must have seen in the temple of Lord Shiva, that people whisper their wishes in the ears of his vehicle Nandi, so that those wishes can reach Lord Shiva and get fulfilled soon.So by now you must have understood how whispering something in someone’s ears is considered very sacred.

In this Whisper Manifestation technique, our simple goal is that either we can express ourselves to the person in front of us or the person himself comes to us and says whatever we want to say to him. It may be that someone is avoiding you and changes his way on seeing you or that person has blocked your number, or you want that the person comes to you and says sorry to you or expresses his love. This is the most important step that we have to take in this technique. You decide for yourself what you want to say to that person or get it said. If you are successful in this step, then this Whisper Manifestation technique will change your life. It is said that a person who is clear in himself, no obstacle comes in his way, nothing can stop him from achieving his clear goal. Even if some problems come, they go away. But often it happens that we decide a goal and the very next moment we want something else and then something else.  If you want to awaken your powers through this Universe, then you will have to give a test of your willpower. For this, you will have to show your power of visualization. Here you have to try to see that you are sitting in front of that special person, your eyes are looking into the eyes of that special person and you are speaking your wish into the ears of that special person. Now thank this Universe – say how grateful you are to them, that you have expressed your heart’s desire today, or heard that which you always wanted to hear. Remain immersed in that happy thought and thank this infinite power, which has fulfilled your wish today. Now, immersed in the same happy feeling, get involved in your daily routine. Let the Universe do its work and you move forward believing in this technique. See with your own eyes how magic happens on this earth.  Till we do not put our inner world in order, we are not able to perform well in the outside world. Meaning till they are not able to control their hearts and minds, they are not able to be in a position to give their best performance.

Similarly, when you use this Whisper Manifestation technique, you should first try to improve your inner world so that your wishes can easily manifest in your outer world. Always remember that your inner world creates your outer world. If you want to say something to someone and secondly where you want someone to say something special for you. Now you decide for yourself what you want to say to that person. It is possible that you have first met that person at the wrong place and things went wrong or there was some misunderstanding. It is also possible that you have not yet approached that person and you have just fallen in love with him in your heart. Or you are friends with that person, but now you want to take this friendship to the next level, but as it often happens that we get scared and are unable to do anything.  Today, the Universe has given you this opportunity through this Whisper Manifestation technique, to think well about what you want to say to that special person. You have time today – choose the right words, which will be most appropriate, to convey your message to that special person – to make them understand – to correct what started at the wrong place – maybe it is an invitation to have a cup of coffee or an apology note, with a lovely rose.

Think about all this. If you want, you can write down all these things, which awaken feelings inside you, on a paper or journal. Now see yourself sitting in front of that person and feel what is going on in your mind. Look into their eyes. Try to make a connection. Let the chemistry that you want to establish with them spread around you. Be as creative as you can.  See yourself in a nice dress and see the other person in the same way. If you want, play your favorite song or shift the place to an island where love is in the air and the gentle breeze is touching your and their doorstep.
When you feel yourself in this moment, now whisper in their ears all that you had thought or written in the previous step. Express it openly. This is the most important step of this Whisper Manifestation technique, so give your best here.

Know and believe from your heart that this life is a miracle and miracles keep happening in it every day. Today is your day to activate that miracle through this technique. This Universe is just waiting for you, go ahead, no one works until you do, so be fearless and confidently express everything in their ears. Today in your life you have done that which used to give you goosebumps just by thinking about it. Thank this Universe that today you have done this work and expressed your heart’s feelings to them. Now you just have to be happy and focus on your work. You have told this Universe what you want, so just believe that soon opportunities will be sent to you, where everything that you have thought will happen. Be alert and work by decoding the signals of this Universe. It is said that when you love someone with a pure heart, then this whole universe conspires to make you meet him/her. So just be ready. Leave laziness and see the magic happen.  Similarly, whatever your wish is, you can fulfill all your wishes through this technique.

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