Good behaviour makes a teacher great

What makes a teacher great?

Good nature, tolerance and restraint can make not just a teacher but every person great. A teacher is the person who bears the most responsibility in our society. Because the responsibility of the future of children rests on the teacher. A good teacher can make every effort to create a bright future for children. Even if the child is not good at studies. But if the teacher wants, he can take him in the right direction. Good teachers are enthusiastic, friendly, easy-going, able to develop relationships with learners, committed to the development of their students, sociable, interested in learners as people and always conscious of their position as role models. This quality of theirs makes them great. Kindness, empathy and focus on community building are among the qualities of a great teacher.  Being a great teacher means that he or she must possess all the qualities of knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom. Important skills for teachers include time management skills, leadership skills, strong work ethic, problem solving abilities, high emotional intelligence, and the knowledge and adaptability required to adopt different teaching methods and approaches. A teacher must be proficient in all four modes of communication – listening, speaking, reading and writing – and must know how to use this proficiency effectively in the school environment. A teacher must keep improving himself or herself according to the changing times. He or she must know about his or her subject, general knowledge, health, good communication, and the psychology of teaching children.

Great teachers are always learning. What makes them popular among their students is that they learn from their students and develop a broad outlook at the academic and social level. It is the teacher’s responsibility to promote good qualities and education in children to build the nation’s character. The future of the country emerges from school. Therefore, it is important that the primary school teacher himself should be of good character so that the children start considering him as an ideal. He should leave an indelible impression on the students. Children are not sent to school only for studies but also to develop their personality so that they do not remain naive or shy.

A teacher should not only have knowledge of his own subject, but also of all the subjects taught in school, and his level of general knowledge should be high, because today’s children have started knowing more than the teachers, so now teachers are facing challenges from their students. That is why there will always be a need to update knowledge, because today’s students know much more than before. Now they have mobile phones and Google in their hands. But a great teacher always wins the hearts of children with his behavior. A good teacher never talks to his students in a commanding language, rather he gives instructions politely and when needed, he also reprimands with love. His behavior is that of a friend with his students. Discipline is necessary between a teacher and a student, but now times have changed. Now friendship is also necessary, which will make it easier for you to understand and explain to the students. This will also help introvert students to open up and their fear will go away.

A good teacher is the one who treats all his students equally and works to increase the confidence of all. There are many children who are not as good at studies as other children. There can be many reasons for this, but instead of thinking about those reasons, the teacher should think that if attention is not given to weak children today, then these children will continue to struggle in their lives in the future. Whether parents pay attention or not, the teacher should pay special attention to every child. Every teacher does the work of imparting education, but children remember only that teacher throughout their life who does his work in an interesting way. Interesting things keep the attention of children focused on studies and they absorb any kind of knowledge quickly. One should keep doing something new every time. And children get bored with only studies, for this it is necessary to be humorous. The work of a teacher is not just to teach course books, he should also share his life experiences. This will help you to establish better coordination with them.  A good teacher is the one who teaches his students to differentiate between good and bad in life, things necessary for a bright future, behaviour and humanity. A good teacher is the one who presents his point with examples and stories. With this, children learn quickly and also remember for a long time.

A good teacher should be punctual and disciplined because seeing him, children also start doing all their work on time and remain disciplined. He should go to school on time, attend the prayer meeting, go to the class as soon as the class starts and leave the class immediately after the class ends. Also, he should teach the children the lesson of discipline through his small actions. If the teacher does not have self-respect, what will the students learn by seeing him? A good and effective teacher is one who does not bow down to any wrong thing in front of the students, the principal and others. He does not tolerate any kind of injustice and does not compromise with any wrong thing. The teacher who is aware of his duties and rights is the one who can protect his self-respect. In the olden days, children used to be afraid of the teacher, but today’s children want the teacher to behave with them like a friend. Because nowadays even the parents do not talk to the children in a loud voice, let alone scolding them. That is why children do not have restraint. The teacher who understands this becomes great in the eyes of the children.Good behaviour makes a teacher great more than his knowledge.

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