Do you ever try to look inside yourself?

Today’s man understands only his own worth. In his own eyes, today’s man is absolutely perfect. People meeting each other personally has reduced. People living under the same roof have also become strangers to each other. However, this is also giving an important opportunity. It is also the need of the hour to look deeply into one’s own self. It is also true that when we looked into our own self, the expanding tree of life benefited from it. The roots got the fertilizer of positivity.

The interference of social media has increased so much that the social structure seems to be shaking, crumbling and falling. However, it is like when we point one finger at someone, our three fingers remain towards ourselves. If we consider those three fingers as a sign and look into our own self, then a good investigation of the circumstances of life can be done. Some deteriorating things can start to improve. It is possible that due to this excuse, the need for help from others may also decrease due to improvement. Before determining the fault, it is necessary to ensure what is right. Our truth or your truth or the real truth. Instead of a claim, accepting the real truth and bringing it to the public platform will have to start from ourselves. Problems will come, because we will have to take ourselves on a different path from others. We will have to believe that there will be others walking on the right path. We are not alone. Bringing a change in evil or something that we consider inappropriate at the social level may be full of obstacles, but to change it, the clarity and cleanliness campaign will have to be started once and continued continuously.

We have to stop expecting from others and find our own way. Change comes one day in accordance with tireless efforts. For this, we have to remove our faults. It is difficult to change oneself, it is even more difficult to change others. If life conditions keep changing and we keep trying to live a better life, then a model of change starts developing in our mind. It is like a pipe dream that everyone will improve. Everyone should know and be aware of the limits and boundaries. They should keep following them. In public life, we usually forget to behave responsibly, that is, to look into one’s own self. In any event, we take more food in our plate than we need, leave it and throw it in the dustbin. While driving, we want to be the first to go ahead. At the intersection, even before the light turns green, we start blowing the horn. We should keep in mind that the person standing ahead should not stop there. Violating the red light is one of our habits.  They start screaming, fighting and hitting on the slightest of issues, even if it is their own mistake. They want to be the first to enter trains, buses and metros and men board the women’s compartments. They do not want to look into their own affairs at all when it comes to apologising and forgiving.

We do not understand that apologizing does not make anyone small, rather it shows that relationships are important. Our behavior with children needs a lot of change. They do not want ‘gifts’ but ‘lift of love’, but we do not understand. If we start making our serious contribution, then the germination of self-discipline, motivation and improvement can be seen, which can gradually turn into a banyan tree with proper care.

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