According to the scriptures, why are eunuchs born?

Apart from male and female, there is another class in nature which is neither completely male nor female. We call these people eunuchs. Very few people know how eunuchs are born. According to astrology, if Venus and Saturn are present in the eighth house of a person’s birth chart and Guru and Chandra are not looking at them, then the person is born as an impotent.

In our society, eunuchs are looked upon with a bad eye, while it is also believed that once these people bless, then their blessings are certain. Have you ever wondered why these people are born? Scientifically speaking, abnormal levels of sex hormones during the development of the fetus are considered to be the main factor in giving birth to eunuchs. According to scientists, it is said that when a woman is three months pregnant and during this time she gets any disease, then two types of qualities start developing in the child growing in the woman’s womb. some of these qualities are found in women and some qualities are found in men.  That is, when such a child is born, then the qualities of both men and women are found in it and this child is called eunuchs. Although being born a eunuchs is not a crime, but still people do not look at eunuchs with good eyes. You might not have thought that there is a big mystery behind this too, to know this mystery, we will explain it to you in a systematic way.

According to the scriptures, why are eunuchs born?

According to the scriptures, due to the sins of the previous birth, a person has to take birth as a eunuchs. In the scriptures, it is called a life received by curse.  In Mahabharata Arjun became a eunuchs due to a curse and Shikhandi due to the deeds of the previous birth. If we talk about the birth of eunuchs, then our elders or ancestors believe that those people have committed some such sins in the previous birth, due to which they have to be born as eunuchs in the present. That is, if we say in simple words, our ancestors believe that a person is born as a eunuchs in the present only to suffer the punishment of his previous birth.

What was the work of eunuchs in old times?

eunuchs means an impotent man who was used in history to guard the women’s quarters like a harem. They were made impotent to ensure that they could not have sex with the women they were protecting because those women belonged to the Sultan or someone else.

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