How can there be joy in life?

Life is full of joy when it is lived in a very simple and natural way without any pretense. If life is lived as it is, with pure and honesty, then life becomes a blessing. If we live life as we have got it, then it is respect for life. Most of the time we leave the life as it is and start living a life of pretense. This life of pretense helps us to show ourselves as something great from outside, but also makes us hollow from inside. Because a life full of pretense is based on ego and ego eats up our liveliness. In ego, we live only by looking towards the outside, while life is flowing somewhere inside. All the happiness of life is there only when the body is healthy.

How to get peace of mind?

Keep yourself healthy by morning walk, yoga and controlled food. Do not cause trouble to others. If your behavior, speech and expression of thoughts do not hurt anyone’s feelings and self-respect, then you will remain happy and will avoid pain. Often we start bragging to show off to others. We start doing many such things, which make people think that now he has become rich or he is not as poor as before. There is no need for this in life at all. But the ego needs to show off. Show off nourishes the ego. Whereas life is personal, it has nothing to do with show off. Like at night when we go to sleep, we leave all the expensive clothes, jewelry, money, shoes, watches etc. outside. And moreover, mentally we have to leave all the position, prestige and glamour outside, only then we get sleep at night. Similarly, when we sit in meditation, we leave everything outside outside.  Then meditation fills us with joy. Just like when we look at the moon on a full moon night, we lose the thought of I and mine and the moonlight fills us with joy. Similarly, we can enjoy nature only when we leave behind our ego and pretentious life and make simplicity a part of our life like nature. Or we can say that peace, joy and happiness in life is experienced only when the veil of pretense is removed. But those who live a life of pretense, a time comes when their life is filled with great sorrow, disappointment and sadness. The liveliness of life is covered by the life of pretense to such an extent that they are not able to experience it. To enjoy life to the fullest, stay busy in your passion and interests. Set goals and dream big.

The desire to achieve something can bring excitement and purpose to your life. Be open to new experiences and learning opportunities as they can bring unexpected joy and satisfaction. Life is not always the same. Only by accepting change can we overcome our frustration and disappointment and make our life happy by moving with time. Change is the law of nature. Whenever we refuse to accept this law of nature, we become unhappy.We get surrounded by depression. We have to accept that when good days are not permanent, then bad days will also not last. The person who understands this truth is never disappointed or disheartened. His active life comes out strong. Accepting change can only make us dynamic. We are moving along with such a train of time in which stopping means falling behind. We can enjoy the real joy of the journey of life only when As we move with time, we should leave behind old stations (stagnant customs and old concepts) and adopt new stations (innovation in accordance with the times).  

Why change is necessary?

Change is eternal. With time any object, subject and thought changes. Seasons change. Man’s conditions change. Progressive change with time is called development. If we shy away from change, then our development will not be possible. If seen from a scientific point of view, there is no substance in the world that remains stable. Some change or the other keeps happening in it. Similarly, change takes place in society as well. Society is changeable, if we want to maintain continuity in society, then we have to leave the status quo and make our conduct change-oriented. Only then is our progress possible. On the contrary, if we do not accept change, then we become conservative. Like stagnant water, which is sure to rot. Conservative people are unable to accept the positive changes like women’s freedom, equal rights, women’s education etc. and keep burning themselves by being unhappy inside.Similarly, the adverse circumstances that come in our life help in our development and creativity. We just have to fight them without losing our temper. If we want that only good things keep happening in our life and nothing bad happens, then even this good will start seeming bad. Both sorrow and happiness come in life. If we keep eating sweets all the time, we will get bored of it. But if we eat sweets after eating salty food, then it will taste more delicious. So always accept the changes in life and enjoy the taste of life to the fullest.

How to live life properly?

Now the question arises that what should be done so that we can live our life properly? If seen, all the spiritual practices are the art of removing these masks and pretenses. Due to these, we start living a natural and simple life again. Once we succeed in wearing the mask, then we start decorating this mask further. Life has been given to enjoy everything, so enjoy it. But while enjoying, we forget ourselves and in the process of creating a different identity, we cover ourselves with the blanket of ego. Due to this, we get separated from the vastness. You wear good clothes, keep yourself well, but be careful that due to this, the tree of ego does not grow inside you and you do not start demeaning others or start looking down upon them.

why spirituality is important

Life is very precious. It is full of the beauty of the world, but its joy can be found only when one understands the art of living. Spirituality teaches the art of living, it is a divine method. It frees man from every sorrow, pain, adversity and worry and fills him with joy. Not only for some time, but for eternity by going beyond the limits of time. Spirituality is the science of the soul. It does not have to be searched somewhere outside, rather its key is within us. Spirituality means returning to one’s original nature where there is peace, joy and permanent solution. Spirituality provides peace to the stressed mind. The entire emphasis of spirituality is on the fact that a person wakes up from his unconsciousness and knows that he is pure and enlightened. Spirituality helps in understanding the meaning of life and the way to live. Therefore, it is very important for life. The purpose of our life is to unite our soul with God. Only after meeting God, one gets ultimate knowledge and ultimate peace.  Spirituality means connecting with your inner peace. Inner peace teaches you to stay away from stress in life and to be happy. Spirituality works to unveil the deep mysteries of life. Whether you are connected to religion or not, you must be connected to spirituality. India is the experimental land of spirituality, even today many people from all over the world come to India in search of spiritual peace and many end up staying here. Spirituality is an extension of the mind which connects a person with humanity.

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