Daily habits of talking to God

What are your daily habits?

Every human being has certain daily habits. Routine is the ideal daily schedule that takes into account the cycle of nature. Ayurveda focuses on morning time as it is important in regulating the whole day. Ayurveda believes that Routine is the discipline of body and mind and it strengthens the immune system, simple healthy routine purifies the body and mind, balances the doshas, strengthens the immune system and starts the day with freshness.

My daily habits include 6 hours of sleep, walking 10000 steps, working for 8 to 10 hours, meditating for 1 hour, spending 1 hour with my God, spending 1 hour with family, and spending some time watching a movie or serial of my choice.I also have a hobby of watching the beauty of nature and gardening in our home garden. if I miss out on something in all these tasks, I don’t mind, but talking to my God is my daily habit.

Each night I take 5 minutes of evaluation to understand what I forgot today and try to do it the next day. Arranging the schedule for the next day is my habit. It helps us to use the time that is available to us. It likewise makes a person normal and reliable, it makes him more coordinated and stress-free. With the help of these things, one can get more chances to complete and finish his work on time.

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