What is a true friend like?

Apart from blood relations, when an unbreakable bond of love, trust and belongingness is formed, it is called friendship. There is no definition of friendship. When two people start understanding each other without any reason, they become friends that very day. Life does not always move forward with the help of blood relations and relatives. It becomes happy and interesting when you start liking unknown faces. Do you remember those school days when the first conversation with someone used to turn into so many stories, this is called friendship.

Unknown, troubled, surprised and then I met someone who became my friend from a stranger, the problem was solved and the surprise went away by itself. So many stories are filled with examples of friendship. What could not be told to anyone, the friend understood it himself. This is the specialty of this relationship. Friendship forever. Friendship should always be cherished so that the age of friendship keeps increasing. Friendship is not a lesson that is learned in school. Friendship is a relationship that is made of understanding and wisdom. If you have not learned to maintain friendship then you have not learned anything. There can be no bigger gift than friendship in this world. Old friends are such with whom you can do stupid things. Old friends and their friendship last for the whole life. In friendship, proximity and distance should not make any difference. We are not able to meet always. This leads to differences, which should be resolved in time. Truth and honesty are very important to make any relationship strong. Especially in friendship. A true friend is the one who shows you the right path.  He tells you the difference between good and bad and also shares your joys and sorrows. All these things deepen the relationship. That is why it is said that there is no season for friendship.

In this case, I consider myself lucky that my friends love and respect me a lot. A life partner is not only the one with whom you are married. A life partner is the one who faces every storm with you. Friends are such life partners who are evergreen. Laughing and crying are all carefree. Love increases after every fight, this is the style of friendship. Life changes at every turn, in which friendship always remains as a pause. The feeling of being sometimes far and sometimes close is so unique. People may distance themselves from marriage and love. But everyone wants to get drenched in the fragrance of friendship. There is no rule, no ritual and no bond in this relationship. Everything is received without asking for it. Perhaps that is why it is better if it is kept away from selfishness.

When you go out with your best friend, your stress vanishes without even realising it. Your friend’s love fight gives you a strange happiness. In fact, spending time with good friends gives you positive thinking and happiness. True friends never talk bad behind your back, never put you in trouble, nor do they ever give false praise. They will tell you whatever they feel for you. Even if they get angry for a while, there will not be a distance of miles. There is no jealousy in true friendship. If another friend comes into your life, your true friend will never be jealous of you. Because a true friend has his own place, which does not change with anyone’s arrival. A true friend is someone whom you can trust, and who will never use any of your weaknesses against you. Because we all tell a true friend. Whether it is a matter related to love life or badmouthing someone or our own weakness.

Even after knowing everything, he never talks to others. Those who are jealous of your success are neither your own nor friends. There is only one true friend, who is happier than you in your success. With a true friend, you get happiness in every situation. You laugh with each other, make fun of each other, but do not get angry. These sweet memories become the reason to live life. Those who are jealous of your success are neither your own nor friends. There is only one true friend, who is happier than you in your success. If you do anything that is a little different from the people around you who consider themselves normal, then people start giving their different opinions, but a friend never forms any opinion about you, he is only concerned with your friendship.  They will point out your mistakes so that you can correct them and not form your opinion like others. There comes a time when you want to speak and the other person listens to you without asking you any questions and without blaming you. That person is your friend, who just listens to you for a few moments. For him your feelings and your words are of utmost importance. Every relationship tries to change you. It tells you your habits, it doesn’t happen like this. You should change this habit. Life doesn’t work like this, but there is a friend, who accepts you the way you are.

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