All seasons are good if you know how to enjoy them

What is your favourite season of year? Why?

While creating the world God created different seasons so that people can enjoy all the seasons. There is a reason behind creating all these. Man is never satisfied. When it is very cold he remembers the summer. When it is very hot he remembers the rain.

I like all the seasons because all the seasons bring something that I like. But I like some of these seasons. Summer season brings mango, litchi and many other vegetables. Nowadays everything is available in every season. But the taste of things available in season is different. The joy of cold drinks and light clothes is something else.

Winters bring short days and long nights, which create a unique atmosphere. Cold mornings give a different feeling. Hot beverages like coffee, tea and hot chocolate are even more loved in this season. The warmth of a blanket and the desire to wear a sweater is fulfilled only in winter.

The rainy season has its own fun. After the scorching heat of summer, when the drizzling raindrops fall, it feels like the ears have heard some music. I still like the smell of soil, colorful umbrellas, and playing in water. Rain brings with it many kinds of happiness, hopes, enthusiasm, excitement, inspiration and opportunities. There is a different feeling of love in the rainy season. Hot pakoras with tea taste good only in the rain.
When we were small, we used to get wet in the rain water without any hesitation, we used to sail our paper boats in the rain water. Then it used to seem that we got all the happiness of the world from the raindrops. But when we grow up and get responsibilities, then we are afraid of getting wet in the same rain lest we fall ill. But sometimes, bathing in the rain is a lot of I think All seasons are good if you know how to enjoy them.

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