Mental peace is the greatest peace

What are the most important things needed to live a good life?

God has given us this life. We can live this life in our own way. Some people live their life very well, while some people are not happy with their life. Everyone has a different way of living life. Some live their life with a goal, while some live their life just for fun. But very few people live their life in the right way. Life is the name of the lively, how can a dead heart live. This is the biggest truth of life.Life should really be like this. Only then is it fun. Only those who live life pausing, thinking and fearing, remain alive. To be lively means to live without any worries and most importantly to live in the present. Most of us spend our days either in remembering the past and getting upset, or in worrying about the coming ‘tomorrow’. Live life with the flow. This should be the basic mantra of life. Work, work and only work, makes life monotonous. ‘While family, friends and balance’ all these also matter.

There is a period in life when we just work. If you are also among those who think that what am I doing? Then do not be disappointed. Know that your work is the best investment of your life. In the future, the ‘interest’ of this investment is going to be useful to you. So stay busy, stay happy. Work but remember other things too.

Who cares who is right and who is wrong? After two weeks you will not even remember the ‘reason’ for the fight. Your compassion is more important than being right, clearing your point and proving yourself right. Whoever is right or wrong! It does not matter, forgiveness should have the highest place. So do not waste too much time thinking. Career and work take us away from home. And then gradually we get engrossed in work only. Home, parents become secondary. You do not know for how long their blessings remain on our head?Therefore, no matter how far you go, you should always remain in touch with them.
If there is life, there is risk! Why step back? If you feel like doing something, do it. Good or bad. Right or wrong. There are only two things in this world. So if you are right, it is okay, you will move forward. If you are wrong, you will still learn a lesson. You will gain experience. So it is not wrong to show commitment towards things.

Do not expect too much from others because it only hurts you. What you think, how you think, you do. That is yours, it does not happen that others should do the same. The universe is another name for inclusion. So instead of eliminating negativity, add positivity. Instead of removing a toxic friend from your life, spend more time with good friends. Adding naturally reduces negativity in life.What I mean to say is, instead of running away from people who hurt you, focus on those who give you happiness. Instead of trying to avoid bad times, face them. This is said because the things we run away from often trouble us the most. What is resisted, stays. It is the bad times or the ‘low phase’ that makes us feel the taste of success. So keep calm and assess. You will come out of this phase too. Don’t be afraid of your job. Don’t think that your job is your only creative expression. You have other qualities and skills, bring them out. It is not right to keep pointing out someone’s mistakes all the time. No one likes to be told wrong. If something has to be said, told or explained, do it indirectly. Who wants to be told that they are wrong? You may be doing the right thing by doing this, but this habit will give you more enemies than friends. So avoid people who don’t like you or for whom your appreciation is like a sad story. Don’t keep them tied. If you want to let go of such relationships and people from your life, then let them go. Because by doing this you will make space in your life for those people who love you and appreciate you. Remember those things which make you happy. 

  And do this often. Because it will make you habituated to staying close to good things. It will make you addicted to being happy. Spend time with your loved ones i.e. your partner. See in them only what you want to see. Praise them. Appreciate them. Because life partner is the most precious thing in life. And no one else can ever give this closeness. Do not expect too much from others.

God has given us life and has given us a lot to live for in this life. We should thank God for our life. There is always happiness and sorrow in our life. Sometimes we are happy and sometimes we are sad. But it is also very important to share them. When we share our sorrow with others, our sorrow reduces but when we share our happiness with others, our happiness increases even more. Nothing can be greater than honesty. If anyone wants to live his life happily, he should live honestly. The more honest you are, the more happiness you will get. In this time, there is a great shortage of honest people, but whoever lives with honesty is never unhappy.

Mental peace is the greatest peace. Material happiness is temporary. And no matter how much of it you get, there is no satisfaction.

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