What to do if you can’t live without water on Nirjala ekadashi ?

Under Sanatan Dharma, Ekadashi Tithi is considered especially important, according to the Hindu calendar, Ekadashi Tithi comes twice every month, one in Shukla Paksha and the other in Krishna Paksha. Each Ekadashi has its own distinct significance and unique name. This day is associated with Lord Vishnu and his incarnation Shri Krishna, so Krishna followers definitely keep a fast on the day of Ekadashi.so Krishna followers definitely
keep a fast on the day of Ekadashi.

It is believed that the Ekadashi fast frees the person from the cycle of life and death and helps him attain salvation. Nirjala Ekadashi fast is observed on the Ekadashi Tithi of the Shukla Paksha of Jyeshtha month. Ekadashi fast is not only of religious significance in Hinduism. This fast is also very important from the point of view of mental and physical health. Ekadashi fast is dedicated to the worship of Lord Vishnu. After observing the fast of this Ekadashi, one should donate according to faith and ability. Those who donate Jal Kalash on this day as per the rituals get the fruits of all the Ekadashis of the year. Thus, the one who observes the fast of this holy Ekadashi becomes free from all sins.

Once, after hearing from Vyasaji the rule of fasting on every Ekadashi, Bhimsena, who was a glutton, humbly requested, ‘Maharaj! I am not able to observe any fast. I remain very hungry throughout the day. So, please tell me a remedy by which I can automatically attain salvation.

Then Vyasji said that ‘if you cannot observe all the Ekadashi fasts of the year then observe only one Nirjala fast, this will give you results equivalent to observing all the Ekadashi fasts of the year.’ Then Bhima did the same and went to heaven. Nirjala means this fast is observed without consuming water and by fasting. Therefore this fast is as important as tough penance and meditation. According to Hindu calendar, the Ekadashi of the Shukla Paksha between Vrishabha and Gemini Sankranti is called Nirjala Ekadashi.This fast is also known as Bhimsen Ekadashi or Pandava Ekadashi. There is a mythological belief that Bhimsen, one of the five Pandavas, observed this fast and went to Vaikunth. Hence, it is also called Bhimseni Ekadashi.

Just by observing the Nirjala Ekadashi fast, one gets the benefits of observing 25 Ekadashi fasts in a year including the two Ekadashis of Adhik Maas. While dietary restraint is important in other Ekadashi fasts throughout the year, on the day of Nirjala Ekadashi, along with food, water restraint is also necessary. In this fast, water is not consumed, i.e. the fast is observed without drinking water. This fast teaches restraint to the mind and gives new energy to the body. This fast can be observed by both men and women.

Nirjala Ekadashi has religious importance as well as scientific importance. According to scientists, fasting without water on this day spreads new energy in the body and man is able to control his body. Scientists also accept the fact that if there is a shortage of water in the human body, life is in danger.

In the present era when the whole world is facing the serious challenges of water scarcity, it is important on a philosophical basis to recognize water as an element instead of a drink. Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat determines the importance of water, one of the main elements of Panchtatva, as determined by the ancient sages and saints. Japa, Tapa, Yoga, Sadhna, Havan, Yagna, Vrat, Upvaas are all considered to be the means of purifying the inner conscience, so that one can get rid of lust, anger, greed, attachment, arrogance, envy and love-hatred.

The human body goes through a cycle of 40-48 days, which is called mandal. In this 48 day period, there are 3 days when your body does not require any kind of food or edible substance.

These 3 days can be different for all humans, so it is not right to force food into your body during these three days. The body is not asking for food on these dates and if you accept this demand of your body, then you can avoid many physical problems and diseases. There are 3 Ekadashi in every 48 days period and generally fasting is observed on these dates only.

According to scientists, the earth is in a special position on the day of Ekadashi, if you give light food to your body on this day, you will be satisfied internally, your body remains healthy. Even if seen spiritually, if your stomach is too full then you feel lethargic, you will not be able to focus on your inner awareness. On the other hand, if you eat light food on this day, then definitely the energy within you will awaken and you will turn towards spirituality.For the purification of the body and the alertness of the intellect, you should give up food on this day. Actually, Ekadashi fast is important not only from religious point of view but also for mental and physical purity in practical terms as well. But it is also seen that many educated youth also neglect the fasting traditions related to Indian Sanatan Dharma in this regard due to lack of knowledge.

If we look at the scientific aspect related to this fast, then since the decrease and increase of the phases of the Moon falls on all the creatures and plants. Hinduism is based on Panchang Tithis. The position of the Moon is always the same on every date. Therefore, its effect also has the same effect on the body. Therefore, from the point of view of health, it is believed that the diseases born between Ekadashi from Chaturthi Tithi do not become serious.

According to scientific importance, summer season starts from Ekadashi of Jyeshtha month. So it is important to donate a pitcher. There is also a trend of donating seasonal fruits like melon, watermelon, cucumber, cucumber, phunt etc.

This fast should not be done by pregnant hair, old and patient. Water should not be taken in this fast, but it is described in the scriptures that if you are not able to live without water or during the fast you have to drink water for some reason or life is in trouble after fasting, then even after taking water, the fast will not break even after taking water.

After chanting the Om Namo Narayana Mantra 21 times, put Gangajal mixed water in a clean plate of silver or brass and keep your hands on the ground and drink animal-like water. Due to this the fast is not considered to be broken. On the second day, Dwadashi Tithi can be passed anytime throughout the day. This measure is based on beliefs. Apart from this, you can rinse out the water by rinsing. With this the water will not go down the throat and your fast will not be broken.

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