Overcoming fear of people’s words

What fears have you overcome and how?

From childhood to old age, we feel fear, which we also call dread, fear and nervousness etc. Although, it is natural for a normal person to be afraid. There is hardly any person who does not feel fear. Actually, fear is a normal emotion. But when this fear starts dominating our life, then it becomes necessary that we remove it from ourselves in time. Because when this fear takes a terrible form, it becomes a phobia. Fear is the truth of life. We all are afraid of something or the other. Some are afraid of exams, while some are afraid of its results. Many people are afraid of heights, while some people are afraid of going alone in the dark or in a lift.

Similarly, I was also afraid of people thinking what will they say if I do this work. One day my husband explained that people can only talk, your life is your own, you will decide how to live it. After that I started ignoring what people said. I am still very afraid of cockroaches when they fly, and I will never be able to get rid of this fear. In childhood, I was very afraid of darkness, sitting in a plane, hospital, and blood, but gradually I overcame them with time.

Fear can scare us only till we face it boldly. Actually, we often avoid doing those things which scare us. Therefore, to remove our fear from our mind, it is necessary that we face it courageously. When we face fear, we are unable to gather courage to move forward and stop there. If we gather the desired courage and come in a position to fight and take the risk with full confidence and face the fearful situation, then we win over that situation and get success. That is why it is said that victory lies beyond fear.

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