Sleeping more on holiday

Describe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.

There are many small things that give me happiness, such as spending a few days of vacation with my family, eating my favorite food in a good restaurant, spending time with friends, attending satsangs, etc. But I feel the happiest when I sleep a lot on a holiday. My body and mind are completely relaxed on that day.

Everything we do in life is to find happiness, but unfortunately being happy seems to be a very difficult task. We think that there must be certain conditions to be happy. But it is not so. When you are fundamentally happy, when you don’t have to do anything to be happy, every aspect of your life will change. Your experiences and the way you express yourself will change. The whole world will seem to you changed. You will no longer have any vested interests because whether you do something or not, whether you get something or not, whether something happens or not, you will be blissful by nature. When you are inherently happy, whatever you do will be on a whole different level. It doesn’t matter what you are doing in your life, whether it is business, power, education or service, you are doing it because somewhere deep within you there is a feeling that it will make you happy. Everything we do on this earth is out of a desire to be happy, because that is our basic nature.  When you were a child, you were happy by nature. That is your nature. The source of happiness is within you, you can make it a living experience forever.

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