A true friend is like a bank locker

What quality do you value most in a friend?

Many people come into our lives. We forget many of them, but some have a lasting impact on us. Even though we have many friends, there are very few of them who become the best friend among all our friends. To do any work successfully, determination and self-confidence are required, but at the same time, if someone inspires, then it helps a lot in increasing self-confidence. It does not let us become weak and for this, if your friend is true, then he plays a very important role. A true friend always keeps motivating you and does not discourage you.

I want a good and true friend to be someone who is kind, trustworthy and caring. They listen when I talk, support me when I need help and share in your joys and sorrows. They are honest and do not intentionally hurt your feelings. They are trustworthy, understanding and empathetic. Good friends are always ready to help us and offer us their support. A good close friend is honest and speaks from the heart with good intentions. They tell you what you need to hear in a respectful and loving way, so that it does not hurt. Because you know they have good intentions at heart, a true friend saves his friend from making mistakes and walking on the path of evil. If a friend has fallen into the same wrong trend, then his true friend will stop him from doing the wrong thing.

Although if someone keeps praising us, we like it a lot, but as soon as someone points out some mistakes about us, we don’t like it. But believe me, your true friend is the one who tells you your weaknesses. This does not mean that he discourages you, but the person who tells you your weaknesses and talks about improving them is your true friend. You need to avoid false praises and understand the truth which works to take you on the right path. The person who will be your true friend will explain your words well instead of ignoring them and will work to show you the right path. A true friend does not have any sense of competition. He works to give his full contribution in making you successful by walking with you. The person who is your true friend will never let you down even by mistake. When a true friend tells you your weaknesses, even then he takes full care that you do not feel bad. Sometimes our circumstances become such that no one wants to believe us.  In such a situation, a true friend will support you all the time and his faith in you will never waver.

When two people connect on a deeper level, they become friends and become a constant in each other’s lives. True friendship is priceless and has immense importance in human life. My dear friend is undoubtedly a blessing given to me by God. There is nothing better than having a true friend with whom you can discuss the most important events of your life and get his support whenever you need it. There is nothing that can compare to the unwavering love and honesty that a friend provides. Best friends give meaning to our lives and also make it simpler and happier.

My dear friend is one of the greatest treasures of my life. Time passes very quickly when I am spending time with her. Whenever I need help or encouragement, my dear friend Anmol is always there for me. We have shared our experiences with each other and created memories that I will cherish for a lifetime. She is a friend I think of in case of any problem.  Whenever I face any difficulty, he always helps me by giving me the best ideas. The one person whom I can trust completely for the rest of my life, we always help each other. We spend time almost everyday and find new exciting things to do together – be it trying new recipes or reading a new book. My friend who always stands with me in every situation. He is one person on whom I can trust even with my eyes closed and he always has my back. I can share everything with him openly without any hesitation. A true friend is like a bank locker where we can hide our precious thoughts and secrets

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