house wife job

What jobs have you had?

I am a housewife and I have not done any other job apart from this. Housewife or home maker are small words but it seems as if the whole world is contained in it. Sometimes this housewife is seen as a wife, sometimes a daughter-in-law, sometimes a daughter, sometimes a teacher and sometimes a cook, whose value is known to very few people. How many times, when asked, the family members easily say that they do nothing and are just a housewife. However, during the lockdown, people understood very well what a housewife does. When men shrug off all the household chores by saying ‘I am busy’, citing their jobs, housewives perform many of their responsibilities simultaneously very well. They do multitasking with great ease. Be it children’s school projects or going to the market to bring ration, cleaning the house or cooking different types of dishes in the kitchen. She manages to handle all the household chores easily by coordinating with different household chores. When the husband hands over the monthly expenses to the housewife.  So she manages all the expenses very well without complaining. Also, she tries to fulfill the needs of every member of the family with small savings. To be honest, her life is just like a lamp, which burns itself but keeps the light of happiness in the house.

2 responses to “house wife job”

  1. The job of a housewife is often underestimated and misunderstood, but it is undoubtedly one of the toughest and most critical roles in the world. Unlike many professions, being a housewife doesn’t come with set hours, weekends off, or the recognition of a paycheck. Instead, it demands constant dedication, adaptability, and an unwavering commitment to the well-being of the family.

    A housewife wears many hats—she is a cook, a cleaner, a teacher, a nurse, a financial manager, and often a counselor. Her day starts before everyone else’s and ends long after the rest of the household is asleep. From preparing meals to ensuring the home is a safe and nurturing environment, her responsibilities are endless and her contributions, immeasurable.

    Consider the early mornings spent preparing nutritious breakfasts and packed lunches, ensuring that every family member begins their day on the right note. Think about the meticulous planning that goes into managing household finances, stretching every dollar to cover needs and wants while saving for the future. Reflect on the countless hours spent nurturing and educating children, teaching them values, helping with homework, and supporting their dreams and aspirations.

    A housewife’s job is not confined to the physical tasks; it also involves emotional labor. She provides comfort during times of stress, celebrates the family’s successes, and is the pillar of strength during hardships. Her love and sacrifices often go unnoticed, yet they are the glue that holds the family together.

    In a society that often equates worth with monetary income, the role of a housewife challenges us to rethink our values. Her work may not be visible on a balance sheet, but its impact is profound and far-reaching. She shapes the future by nurturing the present, creating a home where love, respect, and understanding thrive.

    It’s time we recognize and honor the incredible strength, resilience, and dedication required to be a housewife. It’s not just a job—it’s a vocation, a calling that requires a heart full of love and an unwavering spirit. To all the housewives who tirelessly work behind the scenes, know that your efforts are invaluable and deeply appreciated. You embody the true meaning of strength and dedication, and the world is a better place because of you.

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