Every person must follow his religion

Do you practice religion?

Yes, I follow our religion. And Every person must follow his religion.What we all should follow in life is religion. The practice of moral values is religion. Religion is that sacred ritual which purifies the consciousness. Religion is that element by whose practice a person is able to fulfill his life. Religion is required to maintain humanity in man. If there is no religion, man will perish like directionless clouds wandering in the sky. Religion is required to save man from perishing. Being truthful in mind, speech and action, fulfilling the given promises, not keeping any secret from loved ones, these are the conditions for sticking to the truth. Its benefit is that by always speaking the truth, the reputation and credibility of the person remains intact. Rishis and sages linked such rules, plants, flowers etc. to religion and created rules and traditions for its observance. So that by following it, a person can stay away from many physical and mental diseases and experience spiritual peace.  By following religion, one can remain free from diseases. There are many great qualities like truth, non-violence, celibacy, charity, kindness, patience, forgiveness, control of senses and mind, not getting angry, not stealing etc., following which is called religion. This brings order, discipline, perfection and purity in life.

While following my religion, I also worship God every morning after taking bath, go to the temple. Feeding birds, fodder to cows, bread to dogs, all these are included in our religion. Fasting, attending religious gatherings, participating in religious programs have been learnt by us since childhood. Satsang is the only Ganga in which every living being can attain his right goals by taking bath.

It is very important to follow religion in life. Only by following the path of religion can a creature receive the blessings of God and the creator of the universe. Today’s creature is not only getting trapped in the policy of ego, hatred and selfishness, but is also sinking further. In these circumstances, it can be said that the coming time can prove to be painful for humanity, so from now itself every creature should fulfill his duty in the interest of the country, society and religion and bring the divine inspiration of the Vedic texts into practice. First of all, a creature should follow the policy of duty to respect his elders. Serving elders is the biggest religion. Man should always follow religion. By getting close to religion, all the paths open automatically. Man’s attention is focused on God, which brings good results. Therefore, one should not lag behind in following religion.

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