How simple was life before the internet

Do you remember life before the internet?

Ofcourse! I still remember life before the Internet. The widespread and deepening use of the Internet has brought many changes to our lives. It affects the increase in supply and access, the changing world of communication, new jobs and business models, hobbies and entertainment, social media, education and student life, simpler and faster delivery and systematic services. The advent of the Internet changed every aspect of our lives, from the way we communicate and learn to the way we shop, work and socialize.

Before the internet, we relied on traditional methods like face-to-face conversations, phone calls, and handwritten letters to connect with each other. Long distance communication often involved expensive international phone calls or sending letters through postal services. It took days or even weeks to reach its destination. In the old days, people used letters, landline phones to communicate. Waiting for a letter or planning a phone call makes relationships more exciting and teaches people to be patient. I remember when we had to wait in line for hours to call from one city to another. We used typewriters to write papers or letters, or we wrote them by hand. If we wanted to read a book, we went to the library and looked it up, or went to the bookstore and bought it. There were no e-readers or digital downloads. People who grew up before the internet was a big deal had a different life.

We have sometimes told our children how lucky we were to have spent our childhood days on a farm. We made tunnels in mowed grass, played with calves and cats, caught fish in ponds, farmed in sandboxes, and learned so much about animals, crops, weather, and nature. Our entertainment options were not limited to shiny rectangles, no PUB G, no idiot box, but we enjoyed the thrill of sports, the magic of movie theaters, and the simple joys of pursuing hobbies that didn’t involve screens.

At that time, TV, radio and newspapers were the main means of getting information and entertainment for people. Earlier, people used to get excited about the scheduled shows. Since there were not many options earlier, everyone used to read or watch almost the same things. There were not many things to do for entertainment at that time. People mainly preferred watching TV, listening to radio, reading books or playing outside. And families often sat together to watch TV, which made them feel a special bond among their loved ones. Also, local programs were a big part of people’s entertainment. At that time, people really enjoyed talking to each other in person. They loved going to community events, parties together for socializing and it was the best way to get to know their neighbors and make friends. Since there were no online platforms at that time friendships grew by talking face to face and not just through likes on the screen.

It used to be difficult to find information. Libraries had a lot of useful stuff, but it was not easy to find information on unusual topics. Since there were no search engines back then, learning new things required a lot of time and effort. Life before the internet is a distant memory. The internet may have given us something, but it is important to remember that it has taken away the beauty of human relationships. There were not as many fun things to do for entertainment as we have now in today’s digital age. In the olden days, waiting for a TV show every week or getting excited for a new book to come out made free time more special. So waiting for entertainment was a big part of the fun for people back then.

Today, there are lakhs of recipes available on the internet, but in the olden days, the food cooked by mother and grandmother was no less than that of a five star hotel. Today’s children eat new dishes every day, yet they never get satisfied. But earlier we used to eat curd, milk and whatever fruits were available. We did not have any food options, so we used to wait for food. But today’s children suffer from thousands of diseases even after getting so many things. Because they keep their eyes glued to the screen all the time. But in those days, we used to go out to play every day. Whether it was scorching sun or rain, it did not matter to us. Every day we used to wait for a new day.Whenever I got my photograph taken, I was filled with joy after seeing it.  Even today, when I remember my childhood, I get filled with excitement.How simple was life before the internet.

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