How should honesty be?

Someone has said a wonderful thing that change with time or learn to change time, don’t curse compulsions, learn to walk in any situation.

There is a small story. The teacher who was teaching these children in the government school class and while teaching them thought why not talk to the children a little. So he took out a ₹ 100 note from his pocket and showed it to the whole class. . And asked the children that if you get a ₹ 100 note, will you buy it for yourself? All the children gave different answers. The one who was yet to answer was standing on a bench. And he said sir I will bring glasses for my mother. Why are you bringing glasses, your father will buy them. And why would you buy glasses with this money without taking anything for yourself. Because I don’t have a father. Then that child said that my mother, who cleans, makes the mother less visible. Glasses are needed for the mother. The teacher said don’t think that I am giving you a prize. I am paying for glasses for your mother on my behalf. Make a lot of effort to change the circumstances of your home. And come back the day you become a big man. And return this ₹ 100 note to me.

After 20 years the same scene almost repeats history. Classes are going on inside the school. A red light car comes and stops. Collector sir gets down from it. The whole school trembles for fear of being checked. Everyone is on alert. But the collector sir asked the name of a teacher. While teaching, the old teacher sees that the collector is standing in front of me. As soon as the collector comes, he falls straight at his feet and bows down. And keeping ₹ 100 notes in the hand of his old teacher, he says that Sir, you probably did not recognize him. I am your disciple of 20 years old. To whom you gave ₹ 100. Get glasses for his mother. And you said that I am not giving you a reward, but giving you a loan. When it grows up, return it. So today I have come to seek your blessings to repay your loan. Because what you helped me that day inspired me to move forward in life.

So you can change your circumstances. For that you have to have firm determination in your mind. There has to be honesty. That child could have forgotten even after taking ₹ 100. But he remembered the teacher’s words. That he has to return someone else’s money. His honesty made him such a great man.

You must have noticed this, when a new phone comes in the market, you see that it has more features than the old phone. Because the company tries to make the new phone better than the old phone. The thing which is not there in the old phone is added in the new phone. And when a new phone comes in the market, it has more demand. Similarly, don’t run your life in the same pattern. It is very important to change yourself with time.

Don’t cheat anyone in trying to change yourself. Don’t keep anyone’s debt on your head. If you have the determination to repay that loan, then one day or the other you will surely be able to do it.

Always thank God when something happens in life according to your wish. If something happens against your wish, then thank them more because this time it is happening according to their wish. Your life is a mirror of yourself. Your life will be like you are.

God says no circumstances are as big as you are. Human life is full of struggle. If you keep doing your work with hard work and honesty, then there is no problem which will not be solved one day. We should always keep trying till the end whether the result is in our favor or not.

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