every work of a good thinker is good

In today’s world, one hears everywhere that do a good deed and throw it in the river. But it is not so. our good deeds stay with us always. And if our deeds are good then we don’t need anyone’s blessings. No auspicious time can harm us. Good luck to us every time. Every month is auspicious. And even God is always there to

Today I am giving an example of this. A friend of mine bought a new house. Everyone said that he had bought the house just like that, he would have shown it to someone with architecture. After listening to everyone’s words, my husband also started telling me. So I thought that I should get rid of the daily hassle. One day I called an Vastu Shastra person to my house. He called me that you should come to pick me up at the station. I went to pick them up. As soon as I took the car forward with them, a dog came under my car. I immediately pressed the brake. I got down from the car and handled the dog. His legs were hurt, I took him to the hospital. After dressing her, I fed her and left her in a corner. But saw that he was still looking at me. I felt pity again put her in the car and thought I would take her home. But immediately the thought crossed my mind that my husband doesn’t like dogs. Still I can’t leave it. I brought her with me.

As I was pushing the cart inside the house, a beggar came, and he said that he had not eaten for many days. I turned the car back. And took some food from the nearby shop and gave it to him. As soon as I entered the house, the maidservant was standing in front of me. She said that her child is very sick and needs some help. I quickly took out the 2000 note and said that the child should not have any problem. All this was in my nature. I was not doing anything to show my architecture.

my architecture was watching all this, and was smiling. We went to the house, I made him sit with respect. And arranged tea water. Then I asked you to see my house and tell me what is wrong with it. my architecture started laughing when I said this. He said to me, daughter, there cannot be any fault in your house. Because you are always ready to help others. You must have heard that God also helps those who help others. And God is always pleased with them. When God is happy then how can we feel guilty.

That’s why don’t think good and bad in life. Take care of yourself and take care of others as well. If God has given you something, then help others. Before thinking bad about someone else always keep in mind that it will happen to you. So now it is your choice how you think for yourself.

The Lord says in the Gita that you do what I want, then what you want will happen. A man should never give up these three things, sacrifice, charity and penance. Because these three things make a man pure. The good and bad deeds of a man continue till birth after birth. Because human beings keep on coming and going in this world.

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