your own partner your heart

In this chubby world, we meet many people unknowingly. Sometimes we leave after saying hi hello. But sometimes such a person is found who changes our life in just 2 minutes. Something similar happened to me one day. In the evening, I reached the banks of the Parth while strolling like this. There was a middle aged man sitting on the bench. I sat there while having a formal conversation. Because the middle-aged man was very interesting. I started talking to him a lot here and there. While talking, he told me one thing. Who changed my life

He told us that our life is a gift from God. We are very fortunate to be born in human form. Otherwise, there are so many animals, so many insects and kites, so many animals and birds in the world. But sometimes we ruin such a beautiful life by our small mistake. Like many people stay in jail for years and years. They don’t know the outside world. Their world gets confined to a cell. Like many people cannot enjoy life due to physical disability. Many people go around hiding after committing crimes.

they told me. Speak once a day by placing your hand on your heart. That you are a precious gift from God. God has sent you in this world to do good. And you are doing good to everyone with your body, mind and wealth. You live together with everyone. Wherever you go, you become the moon of every party. All your friends keep waiting for you eagerly. You always did good to everyone. And whenever you also need something, people cannot refuse. Today is going to be a wonderful day for you.

The man told me that our heart is the only part on which we believe. Because this is what makes us do all the good and bad things in life. And when something good happens to us, it is the first to chirp in happiness. He cries first when we are hurt. And we leave no stone unturned to make it unhappy. We make him sad in small things.

That’s why always take care of your heart. Wake up in the morning and caress her with love. Make good promises to him. Give him the assurance that today I will not do any wrong thing with you. I will not do anything that will hurt you. No matter how good or bad someone says to me, I will not be sad. No matter how big a problem comes, I will laugh it off.

Your heart is your best friend. He always beats for you only for you to reach your destination. If you run hither and thither in fear of getting hurt on your heart then everyone will try to hurt you. No man is perfect in this world. People can find fault with you too. People have not left even God. All this is the work of people in every era. But your only job is to save your heart at all costs.

If you grow from within, there will be no pride or prejudice. You will always do something after listening to your heart. Then your heart will not consider anyone else as a bad person. When your inner growth is done then everything will look great to you.

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