Why Only those who are happy become something in life

Are you happy or irritable?  How many people do you get along with?  Are the people happy with you in the party?  Are your wife and children happy or upset with you?  There are many questions we should ask ourselves to know what drives our behavior.One medicine out of a million medicines is to be happy.  If you can’t be happy then you always make others sad too.  It is not pleasant to see someone else’s hanging face.  Many people say that if you see a hanging face in the morning, then the day gets spoiled.  Being happy also keeps your body energetic.  You must have felt that when you are sad, you do not feel like doing anything.  All the energy in your body gets exhausted.  Your hunger and thirst all disappear.  The brain stops working.  Because your mind only focuses on your sorrows.

On the contrary, the happiness of the mind increases our age.  Happiness produces such hormones in our body that make us live longer.  Long life means that all our diseases end.  People revolve around happy people.  Uninvited people reach him.  While everyone avoids sad people.

Can a man be happy all the time?

Now you will say that being happy all the time is not a joke.  Only those who have passed on should know.  I agree with you.  No one can be happy all the time. All we can do is not let sorrows dominate us.  Many of your relationships may slip.  You may have to live in want.  You may be wrongly accused sometime.  Circumstances are sometimes unfavorable to us and sometimes favourable.  And the circumstances are also given to everyone in turn by God.  When your situation is going unfavourable, then accept that it is not my turn yet.  Those whose happy days are going on, they have also faced sorrows.  When the heart is sad, it troubles the mind.  So why don’t we save our mind.  Let it be used for the success of your life.

what should be our expectations?

When you have got human life, then you have to struggle. Sometimes there are moments of happiness and sometimes there are moments of sadness. Just as we spend the moments of happiness laughing, in the same way, we should keep patience in sorrow. Most of the unhappiness is caused by our inability to forget our ex. If you make it a habit to forget the past, you will not feel sad in the present. Don’t worry about your future. Worry only about the moment you are living in the present. We make many plans for our success, then we feel sad if we fail in that. Put your soul into your work, but don’t expect so much that if you don’t get it, you will be broken. So let each and every second of yours be spent happily. If you don’t do bad to anyone then bad will not happen to you.

how to decide your life?

To decide your life, you have to keep your intelligence right. Because it is the intellect that decides, whereas the mind only makes resolutions. That’s why always channelize your intelligence in the right direction. So your mind will also have good thoughts. For example, if you deliberately take your car on a rocky path, then you have to face difficulties, don’t you? Similarly, always take your mind on a clean path, then no pebble-like sorrow will fall on you. And only happiness will come in your life.

are you a good driver?

Our life is a two wheeled vehicle. Like a skilled driver knows everything about his car, then only he can drive the car smoothly. He immediately feels the fault in the car. Similarly our life is also like a car. Our vehicle of life never breaks down even after running for many years. And sometimes it starts giving too many problems. But as a driver, if we know our car perfectly, we can treat it. If a person or an animal comes in front of us while driving, we immediately apply steering. Sometimes while applying steering, the balance of our vehicle also gets spoiled. Similarly, when the clouds of sorrow come in our life, then we should put on the steering wheel of restraint. You may lose your balance for a moment. But then it can also be controlled. It is clear that we should learn to be happy in any situation.

If you are a happy person then you will not have to fight for every small and big thing. The more you know about it, the more efficiently and the more successfully you will be able to run it. It doesn’t matter what degrees you have, it doesn’t matter what information you have stored in your head. Basically your success depends on how you are passing through the thoughts. If you don’t know this, you will only succeed with cooperation, and even if you succeed, you will suffer success anyway, you will not enjoy it.

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