where to meet god

We get to hear these things everyday.  The two body holders got attached to themselves.  And have become so attached that they will die without meeting each other.  And it so happened that both could not unite and both gave up their lives.  So a worldly love forced both of them so much that they lost their lives.  Why don’t we have such love with our God.  Take this firm decision that we will die without getting them.  But we cannot do this.  How many papads do we have to make to give up a small thing.  Because if we want to attain God, then we have to leave the worldly attachment.  Because in the same way we will not get both.  Often we think that we should enjoy the pleasures of the world and worship God by taking a little name of God.  This can never happen.

don’t cheat god

We know that God is invisible.  Even if we find lakhs, we cannot find them.  And our mind also cannot be so easily engaged in God unless it is the will of God.  If ever there is a desire in our mind to connect with God, surely God must have shown us this path.  Most of all this happens when we are very sad.  Then we find God absolutely true.  Our mind does not want to move away from God.  And as soon as the clouds of our sorrow are removed.  We forget everything.  At that time we feel which God, which God.  It is our fate that the days of our happiness come.  This is the biggest mistake we make.  Human is a big double faced creature.  On getting a little happiness, he starts wandering.

how to harden your mind

To walk towards God realization, you have to destroy the heat inside your mind.  The same heat of your heart will purify your mind by becoming sinless.  This requires a lot of patience.  Whose mind became happy at the feet of God.  No power of the world, sorrow, happiness, profit, loss and any untoward incident will make any difference to them.  Whether you join the Lord with the fear of the world or with the love of the Lord, you will belong to the Lord.

let go of the ego

As long as you think that I am a woman, I am a man, I am a successful politician, I am a skilled actor, I am a celebrity.  Till then you will not be able to connect with God completely.  You have to remove me to get the feet of God.  You can find God only by forgetting all your status, status, ego, yours, mine, everything.  Because no one is small or big in front of God.  There is no caste of anyone.  By having this determination in your mind that I will connect with God, your sins start getting cut off.  Even if you have not done any pilgrimage in your life, but you start getting the fruits of all these.  You have to decide that I will engage in God.

how to live with the mind

If the seeker even thinks of meeting God, then this mind is very fickle.  This is the habit of the mind, it will sit holding on to anything.  Will try to entangle you in worldly glitter.  Whenever you try to chant the name, it will try to provoke you.  Will make you yearn to see that thing once.  Your conscience says no, my mind is only in God, I will not try to see anything else.  But the mind will assure you to see it only once.  But if the seeker is less rigid then he will stop himself from going astray.  Never let your mind wander in the path shown by your scriptures, your guru, your well-wisher.  Even if you go astray, this mind will try to make you believe that you will come back on your way.  But then you will be left with nothing but repentance.  That’s why stop this mind from wandering.

become a donor

We have not come in this world just to seek happiness.  He has also come to give happiness.  When you understand this thing, then you will have no hope from anyone.  No matter how much someone turns against you, you will never feel sad.  Your mind will yearn to see the couple image all the time.  Even if there is no answer from God, you should have faith that one day my God will definitely bless me.  You will find many people to mislead you in the path of devotion.  He will tell you that there is no God.  But you have to walk on your path with faith.  Someone will say what did God do?  If God had done something then why are you so sad?

for god’s sake let go of the shame

If you wear a tilak kanthi garland in the name of God, you may have to become an object of ridicule. But there is no shame in it. While praising the name of God, the crazy people roaming in the streets can find people crazy. But never care about all these things. Because your God is watching you. You like him as EC. Rather, at this time say to God in such a way that oh God give me the strength to be absorbed in you like this. Seeing this form of mine, my relationship may be missed, but you will never turn away from me. Once upon a time some people were running in the field. A runner fell while running. And people started laughing at him, it fell, it fell. But there was already one falling there but no one was laughing at him. In the same way, when you start something new, then people’s work is like this. Even if someone does well, he laughs. Even if someone does not make you laugh, he laughs. Therefore, just as the fallen runner was lying, but no one was laughing, in the same way no one will pay attention to you after a few days. Many people around you do such a shameful thing. act shameful. But no one laughs for them. If someone wants to go on a good path, then he makes everything for him.

Sometimes it happens that if you go in the wrong path then people praise you. But always listen to your mind. Trying to check yourself. Remembering the words written in the Vedas and books whether you are doing right or wrong. God’s path can never be wrong. Therefore, fearlessly you can try to get your God.

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