Is it necessary to sacrifice attachment to be happy?

Once Gautam Buddha was passing by the bank of a river with some of his companions. It was evening time. The setting sun was making the atmosphere attractive with its redness. The Buddha saw that some children were building small houses out of porcelain lying on the banks of the river. The children were so happy that they did not need anything anymore. He was completely engrossed in the work of building the house. And his disciples stood there watching the children’s play. Just after a while, one child’s foot came on the house built by another. And the shape of his house deteriorated. The other shouted what have you done. After today you are not my friend. What have you done to this, you know how hard I made it. After today you are not my friend. Your friendship with me is over. After this, that second child starts building his house.

After a while, the mothers of those children who are washing clothes in the river come and say, come on children, it is evening now, so now let’s go home. As soon as they heard this, all the children started breaking the mud houses they had built. They were all squealing with joy and jumping on the mud houses. The children who till a while back were doing my house, your house, now none of them had any idea that who was breaking whose house. After jumping and jumping for a while, the children put their hands on each other’s shoulders and went away jokingly. As long as those children believed that this house belonged to them, there were also fights between those children. Their friendship was also breaking. But as soon as the children came to know that the night is about to happen and now the time has come to go to their real home. So the children’s attachment to the mud house ended. And he himself broke them by jumping. And playing and jumping went to their home. 

Gautam Buddha said that exactly the same happens with our life. The person who clearly saw that he has to die here, night has to happen. If not today then tomorrow you will have to go back to your real home. That person’s all attachment towards this world ends. Like when those children realized that this was the world created by them. In which he was lost for some time. Their real home is somewhere else, so they themselves broke those mud houses. And got free from them. Buddha said people ask me how we will get freedom from the world. Whereas you don’t need to be free. You are already free. You have just accepted that you are attached to the world. This is just a dream which you are going on living believing it to be true. But this dream will also go away one day because all the dreams are broken. This too will break.

As long as those children attached themselves to those mud houses, they were considered their own. This fear was also sitting inside them that it might break. May no one harm them. But as soon as the night comes, the time comes for those children to go to their real home, all the love they have for those mud houses, ends. This life is also like that. Everything you are afraid of, worried about, everything you feel attached to, is just a dream. In which you are also going. And this dream can break at any moment. The things and people you consider yours are not yours at all. This is just your illusion. And this is the delusion of millions of people in the world. Every day it breaks, yours will also break. He said being a little serious, the most important thing is that life is a dream. But at the same time it is also an opportunity to know the truth. Now it is up to you whether you spend this opportunity in worry or tension or in a meaningful search.

Because one thing is certain that we all are going to get closer to our death with every passing moment. And one day we all have to face it. If you people can see this life with this perspective, then no problem of the world, no sorrow will be able to disturb and upset you. There is only one reason for your mind to be disturbed is not to see the truth. The happiness and joy of truth is within us. But we keep looking for it in outside things and other people and get depressed. Being happy in any situation is a choice. And then gradually choice becomes our nature. If you also make a habit of being happy in every situation,

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