easy way to reach god

We all believe in God in some form or the other.  They definitely believe in less or more or more.  Even if they don’t remember everyday, they definitely do so on a particular day, in a particular month.  Those who don’t remember at all, even when they are hurt, they call out to God.  There are two things in connecting with God, one is simply remembering God.  And one is to connect with him completely and take his powers in yourself.  Saints say that if we remember someone, then the vibrations of their mind enter us.  That’s why our elders used to teach us to remember God so that his form comes in us.

How is the relationship with God?

If we want to connect with God, you should be the first to remember him as soon as you open your eyes in the morning.  Whether you remember him throughout the day or not, while sleeping at night, do thank him for today’s day.  Not only this, you can share everything in your mind with them.  If you had a bad day, someone told you a very big thing that touched your heart, then definitely tell them.  Agreed that they all know, but when you tell them through your own words, your mind will become light.  Even if you have got a lot of happiness today, do not forget to tell them.  Be sure to thank them for your happiness.  If you have any query in your mind then also you should ask him only.  Now you will say will he answer our question?  Will definitely give, when you maintain the same relationship with them.

How to remember God?

Remember one thing, never cheat God.  Sit down with your eyes closed and your attention is somewhere else, sitting with a garland in your hand, but your attention is somewhere else.  By doing this, the reason for virtue seems to be sin.  Those who sit whole day pretending to chant the name, better than this, even if you remember God with a true heart even for 1 minute in a day, they become happy.  For this, we should sit in a very quiet place and remember God with a true heart even if only for a few moments.  So that your voice is heard by you as well as heard by the Lord.  We should call God like you are calling him.  And while remembering God, just become a child.  That child who does not have any falsehood in his mind.  A child calls his mother absolutely selflessly.  When he is in his mother’s lap, he is not troubled by any fear of the world.  Because he knows he is safe here.  Similarly, we should consider ourselves in the lap of God.  And thus have faith that God will not allow bad things to happen to us.

be a child before god

God also tries to forget us like a mother does to a small child.  When the child cries, the mother comes, gives him a toy and leaves.  The child plays for a while then picks it up and throws it away. Because it does not want a toy, it wants its mother. And then it starts crying.  When the mother is working, she thinks how to silence him. She comes again and gives him a chocolate. After getting the chocolate, the child again becomes silent for some time. As soon as the chocolate is finished, he starts crying again.  Every now and then the mother comes and picks him up and makes him sit beside her. The child keeps on watching his mother working. He takes comfort in his mind that my mother is sitting near him.  try to mislead us.  And we are not children who only need their mother. Because we have grown up, and our mind is filled with deceit, cleverness. We are not calling God with a true heart. 

how much god will take care of you?

Like you sometimes go to a poor man’s hut.  You that poor man arranges food and water for you according to his ability.  And when you go to a rich man’s house, he has a status of his own.  Just like rich men keep their servants according to their status by giving them nice clothes.  So that no one can say that he is a servant of such rich people, and in such dirty clothes.  Similarly, when God takes you completely, He keeps you as His own.  Your mind, words, deeds and speech become pure like them.  Your thoughts become high.  In the gathering in which you sit, a divinity spreads there.  You never wish bad for anyone in your heart and mind.  That’s why one should never ask God for worldly enjoyment.  Tell God, Lord, I want you.  you and only you.  Because when the Lord is found, everything will be found on its own.  Like a poor person should be made to stand in front of an emperor and asked to ask.  So you know what he’ll ask for?  He will say, O king, arrange for my bread and water.  Because he is struggling with this sorrow the most.  Similarly, if God tells us to ask from him, what will we ask?  We will only ask for the things we need, which keep roaming in our mind all the time, right?  So God will laugh in his heart, have you asked for such a trivial thing?  That’s why it is best not to ask.  Let them give themselves.  He will give more than you ask for.

don’t tempt god

Many people offer money in the temple of God.  Many people try to please God with different types of fruits, dry fruits, sweets etc.  And in return they ask God for things worth crores.  Who has given you these fruits, flowers, etc. that you are pleasing God with?  The one above gave and you are giving the opposite.  Moreover, by giving back the thing that belonged to him, you ask for crores of things in return.  Even God laughs at your intelligence.  You deal with the one who gave you the wisdom to live in this world.  If you can, give him the pure love of your heart.  And only ask for love in return.  Then see how they shower love.

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